Course curriculum

  • 1

    Online Classes

    • Intro to Bootstrap

    • Bootstrap Components

    • Medication App

    • Introduction To JS

    • Figma

    • JavaScript Array and Array Methods

    • JS Loops, Functions and Objects

    • More Array methods

    • DOM

    • Git and Github

    • Intro To React 1

    • Intro To React 2

    • Intro To React 3

    • React useState Hook

    • React useEffect Hook

    • useCustomHook

    • React Router Dom

    • Recap

    • Handling React Form

    • Roundup and Pushing to Github

    • Introduction To NextJs

    • NextJs Components

    • Next JS Data Fetching

    • Adding Bootstrap and Pushing to Github & Vercel

    • MongoDB NextJS (Tech Real Estate)

    • Tech Real Estate (Contd)

    • Foodies NextJS MongoDB

    • Foodies 2

    • Foodies Complete