Course curriculum

  • 1

    WEEK 1: Introduction To Web Development

    • 1 introduction

    • 2 Our 1st web page

    • 3 Elements

    • 4 Tags

    • 5 classActivity 1

    • 6 Attributes

    • 7 Web Structure

    • 8 ClassActivity 2

    • 9 ElementsLevel

    • 10 Forms

    • 11 Tables

  • 2

    WEEK 2: Introduction To Web Development Continued

    • 12 introduction to CSS

    • 13 Selectors and Declaration

    • 14 Common CSS properties

    • 15 Font

    • 16 Unit

    • 17 List

    • 18 Selectors

    • 19 Precedence

    • 20 classActivity

  • 3

    WEEK 3:

    • 22 classActivity2

    • 25 CSSBoxModel

    • 26 Border

    • 27 Padding

    • 28 classAtivity 3

    • 29 BackgroundImage

    • 30 Shadow

    • 32 PseudoClasses

    • 33 Opacity

    • 35 Position

    • 34 Styling Forms

    • extra Block VS Inline

  • 4

    WEEK 4:

    • 1. Bootstrap

    • 2.0 Adding Bootstrap Locally

    • 3.0 Navbar Component

    • 4.0 Carousel

    • 5.0 Cards

    • 6.0 Forms

    • 7.0 Modals

    • 8.0 FontAwesome (Version 5)

    • Activity 1

    • MDbootstrap

  • 5

    WEEK 5

    • 1 Introduction

    • 2 Variables

    • 3 DataTypes

    • 4 String

    • 5 String Method

    • 6 Number

    • 7 Operators

    • 8 Joining Variables

    • 9 Conditional Statement

    • 10 Array

    • 11 Loops

    • 12 Scope

    • 13 Function

  • 6

    WEEK 6

    • 14 Objects

    • 15 More Array Methods

    • 16 Math Object

    • 17 Classes

    • 18 DOM

    • Activity

    • Dice-Challenge

    • DrumKit App

    • FormValidation

    • Git and Github

    • localStorage